Time read: 3 min

The director of the State Archive of Vojvodina (Republic of Serbia), Dr. Nebojsa Kuzmanovic, arrived at the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov on a working visit. Serbia and Russia have always been allies and supported each other in difficult times. National mourning in Russia on March 24 coincided with the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of NATO Aggression on Yugoslavia. It was on this day 25 years ago that NATO began bombing peaceful cities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which lasted 78 days. BSTU students and employees together with a guest from Serbia, observed a minute of silence in memory of all the victims of terrorist attacks of the past years and today.

A leader of public opinion in Serbia, scholar Nebojša Kuzmanović works with archives of both the past and present in the city of special significance Novi Sad. In order to come to Belgorod and express support, he got permission and approval from the republican, regional and city authorities in Serbia. The archive has extensive experience in collecting and processing materials about crimes against the population from the period of the world wars and the wars accompanying the collapse of Yugoslavia, as well as the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999. This circumstance became the basis for a certain initiative, which was supported by the leadership of the university and the Ministry of Culture of Belgorod oblast.

“In the current difficult time for Belgorod oblast and for the entire country, human and civic duty obliges us not to sit idle, but do the deeds of love and mercy, to defend truth and justice within the field of one’s own responsibility. For this reason our Serbian Resource Center of BSTU named after Shukhov is doing our utmost of all it can do the best – we created another bridge of Russian-Serbian friendship. It is important for us that the truth about terrorist attacks on civilians in Belgorod, Moscow, and Russia is known not only through the country, but also abroad. It is important for us to feel that we are not alone in our grief. It is essential for us to understand that they believe in us and our victory,” said Victoria Ryapukhina, director of the Institute of Serbian Language and Communications of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

Nebojsa Kuzmanovic has been in Belgorod on a support mission since March 22. During several days of his stay, the visitor managed not only to get acquainted with such attractions as the Prokhorovka Battle Field Museum, communicate with colleagues and volunteers, but also to feel, together with the Belgorod residents, a missile attack threat. On March 26, Belgorod Museum-Diorama “Bulge of Fire” will host the opening of a photo exhibition dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of NATO’s Aggression on Yugoslavia. You can see it in an online broadcast.