The competition "Talents and Admirers -2025"
At BSTU named after Shukhov, lecturers and students are united not only by classes or science, but also by creativity. The traditional university competition "Talents and Admirers" in 2025 is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the Year of the Defender of the Fatherland in Russia. For more than 10 years, the competition has been revealing new edges of the creative potential of employees and students, including foreign ones.
Friends, classmates, colleagues, relatives and the rectorate of BSTU came to support the performers. The partners of the competition were Belenergomash-BZEM and the united trade union committee of the university. Songs, literary and musical compositions, poems were performed on the stage of the Student Palace of Culture - a total of 11 bright performances.
TheBoard of Judges included the head of the communications department of Belenergomash-BZEM Victoria Zamulina, deputy chairperson of the Belgorod regional organization of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education Marina Sakova, head of the department of organizational and mass work of the regional Center for Youth Initiatives Maria Belousova, head of the creative and concert-performing activities department of BGIiK, member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia Oksana Kalyuzhnaya and member of the Union of Writers of Russia Stanislav Minakov. The jury members highly appreciated the level of the presented concerted numbers and noted that the entire event literally passed in one breath and they want to visit such a wonderful competition again.
As a result, the first place was taken by the song "Kukushka" performed by the head of the Center of Creative Workshops Ekaterina Letkemann and master's student Natalia Zalivadnaya. The second place was awarded to the vocal and poetic composition "Who said that we should give up songs in the war?", which was performed by representatives of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens. The third place was taken by the literary composition "Wait for me..." performed by the director of ITOM Sergey Latyshev and students of the institute Maxim Kazyulin and Vladimir Kolybelnikov.
The Grand Prix of the competition was awarded to the vocal and choreographic composition "To the Veterans of the Past War" performed by representatives of the Department of Real Estate Assessment and Management, Associate Professor Inna Ursu, Senior Lecturer Lyudmila Strekozova and third-year student Yulia Logvinova with the choreographic support of Archirctural Institute student Ulyana Gogia and Ilya Rybakov, a student of the Institute of Information Technologies and automated systems.
"This year's competition is special, it exceeded all my expectations. Let's thank you for the wonderful concert that our artists, our colleagues, our students put on today. Despite the fact that the competition has winners, I believe that the main winners were us, the spectators in this hall," shared the rector of the BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov Sergey Glagolev.
We congratulate all the winners on their victory, the participants on their heartfelt performances, and all the women on the upcoming March 8th!