Transport and Technology Institute celebrated its 20th anniversary

Time read: 3 min

Over its long history, the institute has accumulated invaluable experience, educated and replenished the ranks of the country's transport and road industry, provided young scientists with the opportunity to realize themselves and promoted innovative approaches in the education of young people.

The ceremonial event, which took place in the concert hall of the Students  Art Center, featured the director of the institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ivan Novikov, as well as the first director of TTI, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Nina Gorshkova, who stood at the origins of the institute. In recognition of her merits, Nina Gorshkova was awarded a commemorative plaque for organizing the institute and many years of conscientious work. 61 teachers and employees of the institute were awarded a certificate of honor for many years of work and in connection with the 20th anniversary of TTI, and commemorative plaques were also presented.

Together with the university, this year the Department of Lifting and Transport and Road Machines, which is part of TTI, celebrates its 30th anniversary. The presenters told about the history of all the departments that are part of the institute and recalled warm moments, looking at photographs of the departments.

Festive events in honor of the institute's anniversary were held throughout the year. In March, the traditional volleyball match s between students and lecturers was held, in April, the "Open Championship of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov in phygital racing" took place. As part of the international scientific and technical conference of young scientists of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov on May 28, 2024, the institute held a section meeting in the format of a scientific and practical seminar on the exchange of experience on the topic "Problems and Prospects of the Regional Automobile Industry". During the event, TTI students organized the anniversary QUIZ "Battle of Departments", and the winners, the Department named after A.M. Gridchin, were awarded a pie, and the cakes for the second place were received by the Department of maintenance and organization of motor vehicles motion.

At the end of the celebration, a sincere gratitude was extended to everyone who helped organize the event, including the Institute's student council, and certificates were presented to the students. The student council performed the new TTI anthem, updated lyrics for which were written by Director Ivan Novikov and Head of the TKMM Department Alexey Shatalov.