Week of Science at BSTU named after Shukhov

Time read: 5 min

At BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, the marathon dedicated to the week of science has just ended. It turned out to be so intense that there was neither a student nor a teacher left at the university who would not take part in at least one event that took place at the university. For you, we have compiled a digest to once again remember how it was.

The week of science was opened by an exhibition of scientific works of undergraduates and graduate students of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning. It presents projects and models of sports and residential complexes, multifunctional centers for cultural development, renovation of block buildings, and reconstruction of parks.


Scientific Society of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov held a competition for the most active participant in scientific and practical events. The rules were simple: you participate in the planned events on the community page, put likes and write comments on publications. Fans of shooting video on the phone were invited to try their hand at the video congratulations competition for the Day of Russian Science, and the erudite people were treated to an online cognitive quiz.

The Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation of the Institute of Civil Engineering worked with its future applicants: for students of the College of High Technologies of the Belarusian State Technical University named after V.G. Shukhov, an excursion was held, on which it was clearly possible to get acquainted with the equipment and purpose of heating systems based on the heating laboratory of the department of THS. The Institute of Architecture and the Institute of Economics and Management were engaged in scientific research - architects at a scientific seminar considered “Methods for Forming Industrial Products”, and economists during a round table discussed modern directions of the monetary policy of the Bank of Russia in the context of sanctions.

However, there were a lot of lectures, scientific and methodological seminars and educational intensives - each of the BSTU institutes found an interesting topic and chose a form for its discussion. So for a week in the Technologist they discussed the present and future of the designer, modern trends in materials science, got acquainted with the history of graphic design, scientific approaches to assessing the quality of natural waters and other equally significant issues.

Not only students were absorbed in science all these days - future applicants at BSTU were expected separately. The Institute of Energy, Information Technology and Control Systems dedicated schoolchildren - members of the Energia scientific and technical creativity circle to the "holy of holies" - held a master class on earth monitoring systems using unmanned aerial vehicles, and children of primary school age made real chemical experiments.

 Meanwhile, students at lectures immersed themselves in information modeling technologies in the design and inspection of buildings and structures, design of robotic cells and their online programming using application software, in team work they mastered the use of open access information to justify the archetype of the company's business components.

In the hall of the Center for High Technologies, the summing up and awarding of student teams and their mentors of the interuniversity acceleration program to support project teams and student initiatives “BSTU Accelerator named after V.G. Shukhov. The numbers speak for themselves: 2 months of intensive teamwork, 36 events, 50 startups, over 600 participants involved in the ecosystem of student technology entrepreneurship.

The final chord of the week of science was the awarding of the best scientists as part of the annual Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov Prize. This is an award for scientific and technical research, development and implementation in the field of science and technology. At the award ceremony at the Belgorod State Philharmonic, those who worthily continue the work of the great engineer were honored. This year, the winners of the award were scientists from BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Irina Markova, Natalia Alfimova, Svetlana Sverguzova, Ruslan Lesovik and Andrey Naumov.

So, the week of science has ended with dignity, but scientific activity continues - new goals, new plans, new projects and ideas are ahead. As Nobel Prize winner Albert Einstein, one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, accurately noted, science is not and never will be a finished book. Every major success brings new questions. We are sure that the Shukhovit team will be able to find answers to them.