BSTU will cooperate with Kazan Aviation Institute

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Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov entered into a cooperation agreement with Kazan National Research Technical University named after. A. N. Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI). The parties will jointly develop products, technologies and train engineers in demand by the industry.

The signing of the agreement took place during the working visit of the rector of BSTU Sergei Glagolev at KNRTU-KAI. He met with the rector of the university Timur Alibayev and got acquainted with the work of the university: leading laboratories, centers for composites and unmanned aerial vehicles, etc.

“Communication with scientists is a constant development. You get to know your colleagues, get acquainted with their developments, a new vision of educational processes. And Kazan Aviation Institute is one of the leaders in its industrial branch. There are a lot of interesting developments here. This includes nanotechnology, additive technologies, unmanned aerial vehicles and much more. I plan to send BSTU team to study your experience in more detail,” commented rector Sergey Glagolev.