Students took part in the Winter Camp24 conference

Time read: 1 min

Foreign students of Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov took part in Winter Camp24. This is an annual meeting where prospects for international students in Russia are discussed.

Winter Camp24 is a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge, where young people from different countries can communicate, learn and find new ways of creative and professional development. For several days, the students attended lectures, master classes and training sessions from leading instructors. Students were able to demonstrate their leadership qualities, develop communication skills, deepen knowledge in various fields, and take part in discussions of issues related to current challenges for foreign students in Russia.

Participation in Winter Camp24 allowed BSTU students to meet peers from other countries, exchange experiences and share their own ideas. Such meetings help broaden their horizons and better understand the similarities and differences between their home countries and Russia.