The best foreign volunteer students were awarded at BSTU named after Shukhov

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Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov hosted an award ceremony for foreign students who helped the university on December 30, 2023. Let us remind you that on this day, as a result of Ukrainian missile attack on Belgorod, 25 people were killed and another 109 were injured. Foreign students did not stand aside and that day worked at the university until late at night.

 Welcoming the participants of the meeting, vice-rectors of BSTU named after Shukhov Vladimir Borisovsky and Ruslan Lesovik congratulated the students on their well-deserved award and expressed confidence that their example will inspire and motivate other students to valiant and noble deeds.

 Awards were received by students from Turkmenistan: Myratdurdyev Didar, Charyev Isgender, Atajanov Shageldi, Rovshenov Keremli, Ayidov Sylap, Nurmyradov Khanmyrat, Allaberdiev Shokhrat, Serdarov Myrat, Khydyrov Ykhlas, Babakhanov Batyr, Abaev Murat; Egypt - Wahdan Ahmed Arafa Mohamed Mahmoud, Mahmoud Abdelrahman Saber Mohamed, Abdelaziz Mustafa Belal Tawfik, Youssef Ahmed Alaa Said Ahmed Ebrahem, Khalil Mostafa Mahmoud Fawzi Mahmoud Mohamed, Mersal Ahmed Elsayed Abdelbari Elsayed, Mustafa Yahia Mohamed Yahia, Elghandur Zeyad Mohamed Ahmed Eladl.

Nazari Agha Nazar (Afghanistan), El Bashiri Ahmed (Morocco), Ruslan Abdukhalikov (Kyrgyzstan), Koshta Edson Pashkual Da (Angola), Khalid Suliman Mohamed Said (Sudan), Awofuye Adebola James (Nigeria), Buka Genol Romeo ( Congo), Awuah Success Albert Etornam Kwasi (Ghana), students from China Xu Zhenpeng, Tang Song and Zhang Chenxi were also praised.

Special awards were given to students who helped ensure the safety of Belgorod. They worked on the streets, building bus stops reinforcements and shelter ensuring pedestrian safety in case of possible attack. 11 students from Turkmenistan received gratitude from the youth policy department of the Belgorod city administration: Charyev Isgender, Atajanov Shageldi, Rovshenov Keremli, Ayidov Sylap, Khydyrov Ykhlas, Babakhanov Batyr, Abaev Murat, Amanov Eziz, Dovletmuradov Batyr, Dzhumakulyev Dovlet Merdanov Erkin.