Time read: 1 min

BSTU named after Shukhov held the first meeting of the commission on international cooperation of the Council of Rectors of Universities of  Belgorod oblast in the new academic year. The meeting was chaired by Vice-Rector for International Affairs Ruslan Lesovik.

At the meeting, they approved the composition of the commission and the work plan for 2024–2025, and also discussed the adaptation of foreign students. The head of the MISIS Student Office, Irina Ponkratova, and the vice-rector of BSUAC, Natalya Segedina, shared their experience of universities in this matter.

Ruslan Lesovik also recalled that Belgorod universities should inform foreign students about the need to comply with the migration legislation of the Russian Federation and send information about the work done to the office of the region’s anti-terrorism commission.