I am grateful to BSTU named after Shukhov: a graduate from Yemen is a leading construction expert

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Mukhialdin Katen is a student from Yemen who graduated from the Master's program of the Department of Expertise and Real Estate Management under the program "Development in Investment and Construction Activities" in 2017.

Mukhialdin's master's thesis was devoted to the analysis of the regulatory and technical support for the safe and resource-efficient functioning of the complex of buildings of the Shibam site of world historical significance in Yemen.

This graduate of BSTU devoted his professional activity. The field is interesting, the work is creative. It was thanks to the knowledge and competencies obtained at the University of Technology that he became a sought-after construction expert in his homeland. “After graduating from BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov, I worked in various positions in construction and design production, in 2020 I was the director of the research and development department of the Ministry of Public Works and Highways of Yemen in the city of Hajja. All this time, the sphere of my professional interests was the historical buildings of the state: I led the restoration project of the historic Republican Palace in the city, worked with several non-governmental organizations, for example, UNISEF as a project manager for the repair of some objects, took part in organizing the construction of schools in the city, hydraulic structures large volume and others,” said Mukhialdin Katen.

Since 2020, Mukhialdin Katen has taken the post of Deputy Director General of the Environmental Protection Department. This set a new direction for the projects he led.

“Now I provide engineering and environmental studies and evaluate the impact of investment projects on the environment, including when planning and preserving historic buildings in the city,” the specialist explained.

One of such objects, which Mukhialdin Katen was engaged in for a long time, is the reconstructed historical palace of the city of Khadzhi. Built in 1932, the palace is considered a classic example of historical Yemeni architecture. The reconstruction included not only the improvement and protection of the object's appearance, but also the strengthening of internal load-bearing structures and the modernization of engineering networks.

“I am very grateful to the department of expertise and real estate management and the university - BSTU named after. V. G. Shukhov for high-quality training, acquired knowledge and skills in the necessary and demanded profession of a construction expert and appraiser. I am sure that by applying diligence in my work and gaining experience in various construction expert activities, I will always be needed by the state and will benefit my people, who live in beautiful historical architecture and wonderful nature in the most ancient inhabited region of the planet,” said Mukhialdin Katen.