Participation in the International Summer School of Economics in Serbia

Time read: 4 min

Student of the Architectural Institute of BSTU named after Shukhov Yulia Shatokhina became a Russian delegate at the XVI International Summer School of Economics in the city of Nis (Republic of Serbia). This year the theme of the school was “Smart and Sustainable Innovation”. Representatives of Latvia, Norway, Italy, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Macedonia, Slovakia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina also took part in the international event.

Yulia noted the high academic level and level of organization of the school, as well as the friendly atmosphere imbued with the spirit of youth friendship.

“Not only the students, but also the school lecturers were from different countries - however, there was no language barrier, as always, when people are ready and want to hear each other. The lecturers were remembered for their charisma and ability to convey their thoughts to the audience. The practical classes were interesting and dynamic. I was able to put into practice some of what I had been taught here, but I also managed to learn something new. In fact, we studied for the whole of the day, but the hours flew. In our free time, we walked around the city a lot and talked.

I was the only participant from Russia and I was given care by a Slovenian and Serbian group. Together we went to admire the lavender fields in bloom and also visited the art workshop of a local artist. A pleasant surprise was the meeting with my Serbian language instructor, with other “Shukhovites” who are now at home on vacation, and even with BSTU graduates - they came to Nis specifically to meet with me and help to give a presentation about Belgorod and Russia, which aroused keen interest among attendees from other countries,” Yulia Shatokhina shared her impressions and expressed her deep gratitude to the university for the opportunity to take part in the Serbian summer school.

To receive an invitation to this prestigious event, Yulia passed a competitive selection. She has excellent academic record and an activist of the Student Council. In addition to the knowledge English, attending courses at the Institute of Serbian Language and Communications at BSTU named after Shukhov was an excellent help for the trip. The director of the institute, Victoria Ryapukhina, noted that the organizer of the school, the Faculty of Economics of the State University in Nis, is our long-time partner, and the city itself is the twin city of Belgorod.

“Belgorod State technological university named after V.G. Shukhov has been sending students and faculty members to work at the summer school since 2008. The tradition was preserved even during post-Covid restrictions. We are immensely grateful to the university management and personally to the rector that during the current complicated period a way was found to support our initiative. We believe that this is not only a significant feasible contribution of our university to Russian-Serbian cooperation and public diplomacy, but also an important element of international academic exchange in order to improve the quality of education,” emphasized Victoria Ryapukhina.

BSTU named after. V.G. Shukhov is actively implementing an academic mobility program with Serbian universities. Recently, this experience was presented to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as the best practice. You can get information about the possibility of participation, as well as sign up for Serbian language courses, free for students and university staff, at the Serbian Resource Center at the university.