State University of Management and BSTU: implementation of joint scientific projects

Time read: 2 min

At the State University of Management, a cooperation agreement was signed between the State University of Management and the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov.

 Rector of the State University of Management Vladimir Stroev and Vice-Rector Maria Karelina discussed plans for joint work and priority areas of cooperation with the rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Sergei Glagolev.

 “We have many points of contact, we will study each other’s scientific works and strengths in order to expand the range of applications of existing developments and create new, joint ones,” Vladimir Stroev began the meeting.

Maria Yuryevna shared her impressions of the Belgorod University, which she visited on December 3, noting the unity of the region’s residents and willingness to help each other, and also emphasized the importance of the “Heroes of Our Time” exhibition created at the university for preserving the historical truth.

“I would highlight three main clusters of projects for joint implementation. Firstly, in matters of studying and helping in the adaptation of fighters who returned after participating in the Special Military Operation, there are plans to create a neural network and programs based on artificial intelligence. Also in the field of robotics - BSTU has significant experience in this area. And on the digitalization of creative industries. On the basis of the State University of Music there is a separate center engaged in developments in this direction, and our colleagues, in turn, have interesting experience in reproducing folk instruments,” noted Maria Karelina.

 “We held a competition called Sacred Rus', in which  young people studied the history of the Russian people, smoothly transitioned to the present day, and eventually presented projects on the theme of the future of the country,” explained Sergei Glagolev.

 Vladimir Stroev also noted that interaction between our universities is also taking place within the framework of the work of the Eurasian Network University (ENU), and also invited Sergei Glagolev to the upcoming visiting meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on December 11, which will be held at the State University, and the meeting of the ENU, which will take place a day later.